I am writing this one day after the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling that same-sex marriage must be made legal across all 50 States effective immediately. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was quoted saying, "No longer may this liberty be denied to them." Upon hearing about the SCOTUS ruling, I checked Facebook, and was immediately bombarded with pictures of rainbow banners, and tie-dyed profile pictures, and dozens of pages sporting the hashtag #MarriageEquality. Many of my friends were celebrating what they saw as a victory for the LGBT community, posting celebratory statuses, photos, and another hashtag: #LoveWins.
Unfortunately for many of my friends, they don't understand that love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Now, before you break out the pitchforks and torches to have me lynched for speaking such hateful, bigoted, homophobic things, let me explain.
I have several friends who are openly homosexual. As many of you can imagine, most of them were thrilled by the SCOTUS ruling. One of them, however, was very displeased. I asked him why, and what he said shocked me. He told me, "I'd be happy if I knew there wouldn't be a wave of degeneracy coming. I really wish [same-sex marriage] would have remained outlawed."
What is he talking about? Degeneracy? Wanting same-sex marriage to remain illegal? How could he—an openly gay man of legal marrying age—possibly think such thoughts? This affects him far more than it does me, a straight man, doesn't it? Does he have internalized homophobia? Is he just another bigot, one who just happens to be gay?
I don't think so. I think he, as do the majority of Christians, understands the true motives of the leaders of the LGBT movement. It is a dark, sinister agenda: one so evil and malignant, that I can say with confidence that no Christian on earth can possibly support same-sex marriage in good conscience. I say again: Christianity and the LGBT Community are necessarily enemies, because the leaders of the LGBT movement are working alongside Satan to destroy two fundamental institutions established by God: traditional marriage, and the traditional family.
Hold the phone! "Working alongside Satan"? Surely, I'm as cooky as the heretics from Westboro Baptist Church! To put it plainly, I'll say this: if you are a Christian and you deny that Satan is actively seeking to steal, kill, and destroy, then don't be surprised when you come under spiritual attack and are not in the least bit prepared for it. I am not saying I hope you come under demonic attack (in fact, I pray in the name of Jesus that you will not), but I am saying that if you are a Christian, then you are involved in a spiritual war: no exceptions.
Now, back to the matter at hand. There is a woman named Masha Gessen, a lesbian activist and a staunch supporter of same-sex marriage—or is she?
Despite her being a very loud voice claiming to be in support of the LGBT movement, some of the things she has said seem to contradict the alleged goals of the movement, namely marriage rights. One quote in particular deserves its own line for emphasis:
"Gay marriage is a lie." —Masha Gessen[1]
I find it very unnerving that a prominent lesbian activist would seek to destroy the very institution that so many same-sex marriage advocates are fighting for. She didn't merely say this in one isolated sound-byte, either. During a radio interview, she had this to say:
“It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.
The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago.
I have three kids who have five parents, more or less, and I don’t see why they shouldn’t have five parents legally… I met my new partner, and she had just had a baby, and that baby’s biological father is my brother, and my daughter’s biological father is a man who lives in Russia, and my adopted son also considers him his father. So the five parents break down into two groups of three… And really, I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”[2]
Now, you may be thinking, "She is just one activist. She does not speak for all members of the LGBT movement." If that is indeed the case, then where are the activists condemning Gessen for what she said? Why has no other prominent member of the movement made any attempt to contradict what she said?
And why do statistics seem support what Gessen is talking about?
Answer me this: compared to heterosexuals, how many homosexuals actually get married? The truth is that heterosexuals are more likely to marry than homosexuals regardless of gender. There are homosexuals and transgenders who do have a desire to marry, to be sure, but that is by no means a unanimous desire among the movement.[3] That's alright, though, because they're merely "fighting for the right" to marry someone of the same sex.
Gessen isn't the only pro-gay activist who isn't interested in fighting for marriage either. Big names among the LGBT community like Zach Stafford and Dan Savage are in the same boat. Stafford was even quoted saying, “monogamy may be too much to ask of anyone...everyone will have moments of lust or desire.”[4]
We have not one, but several LGBT leaders, openly admitting that it's not about fighting for rights. It's about destroying the traditional family. It's about redefining marriage and ultimately abolishing it. It's about tolerating and even accepting the pursuit of unbridled lust.
How much more evidence must I provide before the church wakes up and realizes just how anti-God this movement is? If you are a Christian, and you continue to deny that the Kingdom of Darkness is using the LGBT community to attack Christendom at this point, you are a fool. To my non-Christian readers, I have to ask: why would you support a movement that has proven to be manipulative and hypocritical?
This is a movement that sees children as commodities for people who want to experiment with "new family combinations", which is really just an ambiguous way of saying kids don't have the right to both a mom and a dad. This is a movement which would have ordained ministers forced to marry same-sex couples or else be imprisoned. Is this really a fight for rights, or an outright attack on Christianity? All the evidence very clearly points to the latter.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is time we dressed for battle. Our enemy is not homosexuals (for we are commanded to love them), but Satan, the father of lies. Satan has deceived these people using LGBT leaders as his puppets (albeit wholly accountable puppets), and it is our duty to expose the lies of the enemy and be the light. Our weapon is the truth of the Holy Bible, and the love of our Savior.
We will fight the false love of the LGBT movement with the true Love of Christ. #LoveWins is my favorite trending hashtag right now, because of how ironic it is. Love does win, every single time, but love doesn't look like a same-sex wedding. Love looks like Jesus shedding His blood on the cross for the sins of the world and conquering both death and hell.
Now, church family, go out and do battle, and may the grace of God be with you always.